Coffee Station

I have developed a small coffee addiction and the Keurig feeds my desires for a quick single cup or when we have company. I didn’t find any great ways to store the K-Cups that didn’t take up even more counter space. KEEP THE COUNTERS CLEAN. It might be an obsession. So, for about 15 bucks and 30 minutes, the K-Cups have risen and are off the counter and organized.

Project Materials:

-T trim
-Wood glue (I had this laying around)
-Paint that you have laying around (I matched my trim to the shelf)
-Clamps (optional if you are more patient than me)

First, cut the t-trim to the depth of your under cabinet or shelf (most home improvement stores will cut the wood for you in case you aren’t comfortable with the saw). Next, paint the trim. Finally, put a strip of glue on the trim (think the bottom of the “T”).

The first one is easy, just through it up on the shelf/cabinet and clamp it. But, for the next T’s, you should use a K-Cup for the front and the back of the track (think of these as front and back spacers – see the picture).

Make sure the cups slide easily from front to back. Once the positioning is right, clamp the trim in place (leave the cups in place while it dries). If you are doing this with a cabinet, you might need to get a really big clamp or you may need to hold it in place for a few minutes.

Repeat until you have the desired number of K-Cup tracks. I went with 5 (medium coffee, dark coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and apple cider).

After that, I threw some labels on front of the shelf so that I can remember where everything is. Quick, easy and organized. What do you think?